Coaching Resources

The following tools will help you teach the game of baseball to your team. If you need any assistance with any of these tools please reach out to your House League convenor

T-Ball Practice Plans - various drills arrange into practice plans specific for T-Ball players

7U & 9U Practice Plans - various drills arrange into practice plans specific for 7U and 9U players

11U Practice Plans - various drills arrange into practice plans specific for 11U players

13U Practice Plans - various drills arrange into practice plans specific for 13U players

Winterball Teachers Guide - a manual of drills arranged by school grades - specifically designed for indoor but adaptabl;e to outdoor use

My First Pitch - this manul is aimed toward 11U players but is great for 11U or 13U. This manual provides solid instruction for learning to pitch

Score Keeping - this will take you to a YouTube Video explaining Baseball Scoring