Woodstock Minor Baseball
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Volunteers: Volunteer Roles


  1. Coaching
    1. House League
      1. Each HL team may have up to 3 fully refunded bonds for coaches, managers, scorekeepers etc.
      2. The head coach will identify to the association the 3 bonds to be refunded
    2. Rep
      1. Each Rep team may have up to 5 fully refunded bonds or coaches, managers, scorekeepers etc.
      2. Coaches rostered will have bonds refunded
      3. The head coach will be asked to identify additional bonds to be refunded
    3. Select
      1. Each Select team may have up to 5 fully refunded bonds or coaches, managers, scorekeepers etc.
      2. Coaches rostered will have bonds refunded
      3. The head coach will be asked to identify additional bonds to be refunded if fewer than 5 rostered coaches
  2. OBA Rep and Select Tournament Volunteering
    1. Individuals who volunteer for 3 hours minimum at a game that does not include the volunteer’s child will have bonds refunded

  3. Banquet Volunteering
    1. Individuals who volunteer at a full event that does not include the volunteer’s child will have bonds refunded

  4. 13U National Championship Volunteering
    1. Volunteering at this event carries other advantages / values including full access to the tournament, food, drink and attire making the expectation higher.
    2. To receive a bond refund the volunteer will:
      1. Complete 4 or more scorekeeping assignments (including pitch count, gamechanger, paper scoring or announcing)
      2. Provide 8 or more hours volunteering at games that do not include the volunteer’s child

Events Volunteer opportunities

  1. Various Tournaments  - various dates, usually at least one per month through the season (Up to 78 Volunteers needed)
  2. ICBA Playoff Tournament  – Various dates in August (up to 50 volunteers needed)
  3. Baseball Ontario Play-in Tournament – Various dates in August (up to 50 volunteers needed)
  4. House league Tournament  – Various dates in June (up to 30 volunteers needed)
  5. House League Clinics - (located at The Bullpen at various times through the year)
  6. Banquet(s) -  House League Banquet in July and Wrangler Banquet in August.
  7. Rally Cap – 2 times per season (Up to 20 volunteers needed)
  8. House League Picture Day(s) - located at the Bullpen in early spring.

Those interested in volunteering for special events, committees or executive board or if you have skills or services that you would like to offer or discuss please email brianvanpee@woodstockminorbaseball.com.